Saturday, November 5, 2011

The up-swing continues

Mom says she's feeling the best she's felt in the last 10 months. She seems very strong and is doing very well.

She continues to push herself during PT. She walked the length of her room (about 12 steps) using her walker, rested, then continued down the hall another 10 steps or so. Longest walk so far.

She has started complaining about being bored - a great sign, I think. She's actually enjoying watching a little TV; she has finished every crossword she has so far; and - most importantly - she is knitting again (slippers).

On Thursday we had a consultation with a surgeon to install a G-Tube. She is looking forward to getting this done. The tubes down her nose/throat cause her so much irritation and are hindering her eating solid foods. It will be more comfortable for her all around. I hate for her to go through the procedure and have one more thing to recover from, but the benefits far outweigh the temporary discomfort.

We may be possibly seeing the scant beginnings of a dim light at the end of this long tunnel. Maybe. She still has some milestones to overcome, so who knows what might still happen while she's staying in that facility. No one will even try to speculate on how long until she can go home, but she is motivated and eager to get there.

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