Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mom had a slow week last week. She had some nausea during the first part of the week. Then we learned she wasn't getting PT, OT or ST because of "insurance criteria." It was very frustrating, just trying to figure out what was going on and why she wasn't getting her therapies. As you know, we need to keep Mom moving and as active as possible so she can regain her strength. The facility is suppose to call me consistently with updates/progress/news and they still aren't following through.

They are back on track with her therapies this week, thankfully.

She's still getting weaned from the vent. Mom, Dad and I think they could be more aggressive with it than they are and we're trying to figure out a way to make that happen. She's suppose to be working up to 6 hours off the vent, but they seem to just be doing the minimum (15 minutes) each time. They are suppose to be getting her off the vent twice/day and they seem to be doing it only once/day, if that.

Sorry to use this blog as a platform for my frustration, but it's hard to get past it today. The Healthcare Advocates are we hired are helping me with these issues, too.

Please know that Mom is in good spirits for the most part. Her strength and good nature is a blessing. She can't wait to get outta there and get home though. I can't tell you how much she appreciates your cards/letters. Thank you! Please keep them coming.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

all good still

I don't have much new to add, but wanted you to know that Mom continues to do well. They are continuing to increase her time off the vent, although I don't know exactly what she's up to now. She's spending more time out of the bed, sitting up or in the wheelchair, some days up to 3 hours. Her PT tennis shoes are getting good use as she builds up strength.

Dad has been in Bend this week catching up on some doctor appointments with his brother, Dewey. It's great to be able to spend time with Dewey. He'll be with us in Portland over this weekend, too.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

More Weaning

Mom spent over an hour off the vent breathing on her own. It was the longest stretch so far. Great progress.

She was fitted for a Passy-Muir valve for speech. They put it in Monday when Dad and I were visiting, but it just made her cough a lot. Dad was there yesterday when they tried it again. Her voice was somewhat distorted and strained, but he said it was wonderful to hear her voice again!

She doesn't have it in all the time. We're looking forward to learning what the schedule is for using the valve, how frequently and for what duration and all those details. It sounds like they'll continue to gradually increase it's usage as she grows stronger.

PT is also going well. They have been practicing going from sitting on the edge of the bed to standing up. She still needs to build up her strength in her legs, and this is a great way to do it.