Monday, May 9, 2011

Today is Mom and Dad's 58th wedding anniversary. To celebrate, Dad is bringing some extra flowers and some cupcakes for the staff there at the hospital.

When I visited Mom yesterday, the nurse and respiratory therapist were very excited about how well she's doing. She just keeps getting stronger and stronger. The respirator is now doing the most minimal amount of work, leaving Mom to do all the work. She seemed a little tired, which makes sense as her body is getting used to the new work load. I'm going to visit her tonight and make sure she's not too tired/lethargic.

They are talking about putting her on a trach collar next. She'll be doing all the breathing, but the tubes will be giving her moist air. Another patient there at the hospital had one on and she was able to talk a little while wearing it. It would be great if she can do a little talking!

She had a Thoracentesis done on Friday (removed some fluid that had accumulated around her lungs). It went smoothly and she could tell the difference immediately. They did the procedure at another hospital, so Mom got to get out of her room and go for an ambulance ride. We'll hear the lab results today, but we're not too concerned since this is common with vent patients.


  1. That is great to hear that she is breathing more on her own. Bob didn't say anything, when we talked to him last night,about it being their 58th anniversary. That is FANTASTIC. We will be down on friday to visit.

  2. Thank you, Morgan!

    Judie - Dad is going to Bend on Saturday (back on Sunday) with my uncle Doug. Maybe you could take some extra days and go skiing at Bachelor this weekend? If not this weekend, their house is always available to you if you want to head down there.
