Thanks for setting up this blog, Tom! I'll post updates about Mom as frequently as I can. This is an exciting time in her recovery as there are more improvements all the time. It's all happening slowly, but surely. We also welcome everybody else to contribute as much as you want, via the comments option on the menu below, or email us if you have something you want to share.
When Dad and I got to the hospital last night, the doctor was so excited to tell us that Mom's digestive system sounded like it had started to work, which means they can start feeding her liquid food, from a tube to her stomach. So far, there hasn't been any discomfort.
She's opening her eyes about 1/4" by herself. It's easier for her when we clean her eyes first, but she still tries to open them throughout our visits.
There is definitely more strength throughout her body. Her movements are more purposeful. She moves her hands/elbows around on her lap as she searches for her pillow or rolls that she likes to hold in her hands.
They had her sitting up in her chair for a while yesterday. While she was up, they focused the PT & OT on her legs and feet.
She's doing more and more breathing on her own. They've started to turn down the respirator so she can do more of the work herself. It's too soon to take the vent out, but they'll be even more aggressive at weaning her next week.
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